theologically progressive - open & affirming

May 9, 2021

May 9, 2021    Rev. Billie Watts

When I (Billie) was a child, I loved to swim. Now, before you imagine that it was a “sport” for me, please understand that swimming meant playing water games, diving for pennies, performing a version of synchronized swimming with my sister, and sometimes daring the high diving board with fear and trepidation, hoping to avoid doing a belly buster. No matter how much I tried, however, I never could float on my back. When I tried, I had to cheat and ferociously paddle with my hands at my side. It was exhausting, which sort of defeats the purpose. I couldn’t relax in the water because it just didn’t hold me. Did I just lack body fat? Probably – however the good/bad news today is, I can now float forever.

This week, we will focus on the lectionary readings: Acts 10:44-48 and John 15:7-19. Maybe by reflecting on these texts, we will understand a little about what or who holds us.

Billie (she, her, hers), & Kerry (she, her, hers)