Dec 11, 2022
This Advent, we simply tell the story, start to finish, and without the usual jumping back and forth in the timeline. The beauty of the Christmas narrative, however, isn’t simple. It isn’t just one person’s story during a single year. It’s the story of Mary and Joseph, shepherds and magi, Elizabeth and John, but it’s also the story of Ruth and Jesse and David and Isaiah, all of these individual threads over centuries woven together into the story of God’s unconventional in-breaking.
And the Christmas story is our story, too. The tapestry God is weaving did not stop in Bethlehem. Our own threads, from generation to generation, weave into the narrative of God’s incarnation in the world that proclaims the Advent promises of hope, peace, joy, and love.
This week, we hear a message from Reverend Scott Martin as he reflects on the word considering "Choices: Ripples Through the Generations."
Generation to generation the people of God ask,"where do you find Joy? Join us this Sunday as we find ways to rejoice together knowing and trusting we all belong here.