theologically progressive - open & affirming

July 17, 2022

Jul 17, 2022    Rev Amy Grogan

Transformative Power of Story Shared: Summer encounters of the divine in action in word and in community. As we begin a book study, “Reading The Bible Again for the First Time” by Marcus Borg, we hope to free ourselves to new life and transformation. 

    Our own stories of harm, healing and hope are closely related to the ways in which scripture and faith has been presented to us in our growing and becoming. This summer and throughout the year, we will share our stories within God’s story. Stories of harm and hope and healing are transformative for individuals and communities. Let Pastor Kerry know the story you have to share.
 Join us this week as God still speaks a word of hope, justice and love through the story of Mary and Martha  found in Luke 10:38-42.