theologically progressive - open & affirming

July 11, 2021

Jul 11, 2021    Rev. Linda montgonery

As we continue our series, I’ve Been Meaning to Ask, the question before us this week is, “Where does it hurt?” If being curious about one another can help us cultivate connection, and if we can safely assume that we have all known pain and suffering, then surely bearing witness to each other’s pain helps us cultivate compassion. Rev. Linda Montgomery will share with us the pain of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1-18 and the long-suffering of the bleeding woman (Mark 5:21-43) as springboards to ways we can seek life together.

So bring all of yourselves to worship (whether in person or online) – we will be waiting for YOU!

Billie (she, her, hers) & Kerry (she, her, hers)