theologically progressive - open & affirming

July 4, 2021

Jul 4, 2021    Rev. Billie Watts

This Sunday, we begin a new series:
"I’ve Been Meaning to Ask."

We focus sequentially on four main questions that are asked of Jesus, or asked by Jesus: Where are you from? …Where does it hurt? …What do you need? …and Where do we go from here? These questions, when asked with warmth and curiosity, have the potential to help us discover and behold each other as images of the divine and strengthen our capacity for empathy and compassion.

What questions have you “been meaning to ask?” We would love to know, for if you are wondering, others probably are, too. Write them down…for asking questions leads to new discoveries, deeper connections, and clearer understanding.

Inquiring minds DO want to know – so let’s explore together. Remember, we are saving a place just for YOU!

Billie (she, her, hers) & Kerry(she, her, hers)