theologically progressive - open & affirming

July 25, 2021

Rev. Kerry Kirtley

This Sunday, in the last of the series, I've Been Meaning to Ask, we consider Where do we go from here?

In a sense, we are starting new all over again. As Touchstones we come together to listen for divine impulses that move us closer to God, each other, and All of God's beloveds. It is compelling to avoid such efforts in this era of extreme “otherness” and "devisiveness." As sacred bearers of God’s image, how do we live more intentionally toward God’s vision of unity and peace? Even now, in this time of brokenness... especially now? Are we ready, again, as compassionate companions in Christ, empowered by the Spirit, to journey together toward our vision, inspired by God, to a place where all belong, where we can become fully who God created us to be, and a place for all God’s beloveds who have had no place?

Our readings this week are Ruth 1:1-22 and Acts 10. The focus text is from Acts. We provide this audio link of both scriptures for you to hear and reflect upon.

This Sunday, bring all of yourselves to worship (whether in person or online) — we will keep it real and as always, save a place for You!

Kerry (she, her, hers) & Billie (she, her, hers)