Dec 12, 2021
scripture: Luke 3:1-18
Where or what is the home toward which we are journeying this season? Our Advent series, “A Home for All” brings different images: yearning for what home should be, or perhaps memories of times in our lives when we felt at home in our being and in our becoming.
Is home a reality or a longing or both this year? As we grow closer to God and God comes nearer to us…. we rejoice in anticipatory joy during the wait, knowing there is a home for ALL when Christ comes to stay in our lives and hearts. Do you hear it? A voice calling out in the wilderness… calling for justice and compassion in active waiting. May we not dismiss God's call to us to come near… to come home.
"Joy to the world! The Lord has come!" Yes, even in the mess of our own making. As the prophets of old proclaimed: on that day, the day of Christ's coming, All will be renewed, restored, gathered, and brought home to and in divine love. May we join in the creation of a better home for All.
Welcome home to Touchstone Community Church this Sunday, a place for all, where home in Christ is a reality and still our hope for the future as we continually listen for and to the voice crying out in the wilderness, “prepare ye the way of the Lord…”
Come rejoice! We are saving a place just for you... join us!
— Pastor Kerry