May 23, 2021
There is a new term describing what many of us have experienced this last year - it’s called “languishing,” a term coined by sociologist Corey Keyes. It is a sense of stagnation, “blahness,” and just not operating at full capacity. Maybe you, too, have been languishing a bit.
While the article has some important tips to move from languishing to flourishing, it seems that a spiritual remedy might be in order. This Sunday, with perfect timing, we celebrate Pentecost. Once a festival held 50 days after Passover when the people harvested the barley and were “bringing in the sheaves,” now, 50 days past Easter, we witness another kind of harvest…a spiritual one. Wouldn’t it be astonishing to not just witness this spiritual phenomenon but to actually experience it? Well, batten down the hatches…the winds are picking up and there’s electricity in the air. Can you feel it?
“Come Spirit, come!”
We are waiting and watching for her…and we are waiting and watching for you as we gather ONLINE via zoom and in-person at Kronkosky Place for the first time in over a year. With an outpouring of the Spirit and Kerry’s ordination, it will be “electrifying.”
With heightened anticipation,
— Billie (she, her, hers), & Kerry (she, her, hers)